What if you could IGNITE your healing process in 5 minutes or LESS per day?


Do you...

  • Feel perpetually weighed down and sluggish due to toxic overload in your body?
  • Have muscle pain and tension that leave you longing for relief?
  • Wake up feeling drained and tired even after a full night of sleep?
  • Feel stuck in a never-ending cycle of stress and anxiety?
  • Feel as though your body isn't healing and recovering like it should?

There are plenty of complex and expensive solutions that promise to alleviate these issues, but it's not always about complicated routines, spending lots of money, or hours of dedication. 

What if I showed you how you could harness the healing potential that already lies within you, simply by knowing WHAT to do and WHEN to do it? 

If you're ready to learn quick, easy-to-implement strategies that can detoxify your body, reduce stress, ease muscle pain, and unlock your body's natural healing capabilities, then I invite you to join me inside The 5-Minute Transformation Challenge! 

In this workshop, you'll learn:

  • The THREE ESSENTIAL STEPS that must be in place for your body to begin healing at the cellular level.
  • How to unlock the cleansing power hidden within your lymphatic system PLUS learn two of my favorite do-it-yourself lymphatic resets.
  • How to break out of the chronic "fight or flight" cycle so your body can begin to relax and recover. 
  • How to maximize oxygen delivery to your cells in order to reduce stress, increase energy, and accelerate your body's healing process. 
  • Quick postural and foam rolling strategies to improve the flow of lymph, reduce muscle tension, and promote relaxation. 
  • Lifetime access to all training and resources.

Does any of this sound familiar? 



Do you feel weighed down and sluggish due to an accumulation of toxins in your body? Maybe you're experiencing nagging health issues or your body doesn't feel as though it's recovering like it should. In this workshop, I'll show you how you can begin clearing your detoxification pathways to reduce the build-up of waste and toxins within your body. 


Do you ever experience an annoying pain that creeps from your neck down between your shoulders? Or a tightness across your chest that makes it hard to take a deep breath? How about the golf ball sized knots at the base of your neck, headaches, or sore muscles that run along your spine? No matter how much stretching you do or how many anti-inflammatories you take, you're still tight, stiff, and uncomfortable. In this program, I'll show you some quick exercises you can do to alleviate this discomfort and finally get some relief from the pain you're experiencing. 


Do you wake up exhausted every morning, even after a full night of sleep? You know this is the prime time for your body to heal and recover, but when you wake up, your joints are stiff and achy, your brain is in a fog, and it's really hard to get going -  even with a few cups of coffee. You're getting sick of missing out on things you love doing, but it takes everything you have just to make it through the day. In this workshop, I'll show you some of my favorite strategies you can implement to get restful, restorative sleep, clear brain fog, and renew your energy. 


Maybe stress and anxiety have overwhelmed you and your RPMs always seem to be running in the red. No amount of therapy, meditation, or walks in the woods have solved your problems and you're getting really discouraged. Maybe you've even started turning to unhealthy coping mechanisms, not because you're intentionally trying to be destructive, but because you're just trying to make it through the day any way you can without breaking down entirely. Want to know how you can begin to break free from that cycle? I'll show you how. 


You already know that deep, restorative sleep is the key to your healing and recovery. But these days, it seems like no matter what you try, you end up tossing and turning all night. Sure, there's a lot of stress in your life that can contribute to lousy sleep, but at the same time, it feels like something deeper is going on. In this workshop, I'll show you how to take pressure off the vagus nerve and restore healthy breathing patterns to promote high-quality, restorative sleep.  


There are a myriad of things you know you're "supposed" to be doing to get healthy, but it seems like there's never enough time to get it all done. On top of that, it seems like the things you're doing never seem to give you the long-term results you're looking for. In this workshop, I'll teach you how to prioritize the ORDER to healing so you can maximize your results quickly and efficiently.

If you're ready to learn quick, easy-to-implement strategies to detoxify at the cellular level, reduce stress, ease muscle tension, and unlock your body's natural healing power, then this workshop is for YOU!


This workshop is for you if you're ready to:

  • Learn To Heal From The Inside Out by prioritizing the ORDER of healing. 
  • Reduce Pain, Headaches, and Bloating by improving the flow of lymph and clearing away the buildup of metabolic waste and toxins.
  • Alleviate Stress and Anxiety by taking pressure off the vagus nerve, which encourages your body to shift out of fight or flight and into a more relaxed, restorative state. 
  • Improve Cognitive Function and Brain Health by opening specific pathways to drain inflammation, waste and toxins from the brain. 
  • Enhance Energy and Mental Clarity by reducing the toxic load within and around your cells.
  • Restore Healthy Breathing Patterns to reduce stress, calm the nervous system, and maximize oxygen delivery to cells. 
  • Ease Muscle Tension by improving posture and releasing tightness in the neck, back, and shoulders. 

If you're ready to take charge of your health, reclaim your energy and enthusiasm, and make a positive difference in your life, I invite you to join me.

What's inside this workshop? 

ON DAY ONE, we will cover what specific things your cells need to heal, regenerate, and function at their best. You'll learn:

  • The THREE CRITICAL PHASES that must be in place in order to begin healing at the cellular level. 
  • How to create an internal environment where cells are capable of receiving the oxygen and nutrients they need to heal.
  • What it takes to TRULY detox your body. (And no, I'm not talking about green drinks, juice fasts, detox powders, 10-day diets, coffee enemas, nasty shakes, etc.)
  •  How to properly hydrate your cells to reduce fatigue, boost your energy levels, clear your detoxification pathways, and improve many other aspects of your health and well-being. 
  • One of the most important changes you can make to get high-quality, restorative sleep, reduce muscle tension, and improve your detoxification and healing processes. 

ON DAY TWO, you'll discover the incredible healing capabilities hidden within your lymphatic system and find out why it's the missing link in your healing process. You'll learn: 

  • The #1 thing you MUST do to ignite your healing process. 
  • The critical role and function of your lymphatic system for optimum health.
  • Why your lymphatic system is the KEY to unlocking your healing and immune-boosting potential.
  • How to identify symptoms of dysfunction within the lymphatic system. 

You'll also learn two DIY lymphatic system resets that can help you:

  • Reduce pain, headaches, and inflammation
  • Alleviate stress and anxiety by taking pressure off the vagus nerve
  • Clear brain fog and improve critical functions linked to your cranial nerves
  • Improve energy levels by reducing the toxic load within and around your cells. 

ON DAY THREE, you'll learn how to enhance your posture and movement patterns in order to promote the flow of lymph, alleviate muscle tension, improve breathing patterns, and take pressure off the vagus nerve. I'll show you: 

  • Two of my favorite postural resets you can do in two seconds or less
  • Some of my favorite foam rolling and soft tissue strategies to improve alignment, restore function in key areas and alleviate muscle pain and tension. 

ON DAY FOUR, you'll learn how to set the foundation for true and lasting change by learning to master your breath. We'll cover things like: 

  • The three critical breathing mistakes that over 90% of people make and how to correct them.
  • How to improve lymphatic drainage, regulate vagus nerve function, and maximize oxygen delivery to your cells all by controlling your breath. 
  • How to break out of the chronic fight or flight cycle that keeps you stressed, anxious, and on edge. 
  • How you can increase energy levels by optimizing the power of carbon dioxide. 

Hi! I'm Heather.

I'm a Cellular Health Specialist dedicated to helping you heal better, feel better, and be your best. 

Ever wish you had someone to walk alongside you on your healing journey? 

I take 16 years of hands-on experience and a zest for learning - combined with a healthy dose of curiosity plus a passion for what I do - to help you: 

  • Get to the ROOT CAUSE of your health issues. 
  • Alleviate pain, overcome injuries, and get back to doing the things you love.
  • Save time, effort, and money by prioritizing the ORDER of healing. (Yes, order is KEY).
  • Break free from the traditional medical model and think OUTSIDE the box. 
  • Restore confidence in yourself and live the life you know you're made for. 

My goal is to equip you with the most effective tools so that you can take charge of your healing process with clarity and confidence. I would love to partner with you and help you develop an easy-to-follow wellness plan that can parallel your healing process in powerful and productive ways. 

If you are ready to take charge of your health, reclaim your energy and enthusiasm, and make a positive difference in your life, I invite you to join me. 


 As we close, let me remind you of one last thing: 

Taking care of yourself is NOT a selfish activity. It's the best way to position yourself to love others, pursue your goals, focus on the great things in life, and make a positive impact on the world around you. 

You are worthy of the time it takes to heal. Never forget that. 

Thank you for taking the time to be here. I wish you all the best on your healing journey!

The Five Minute Transformation Challenge


  • The THREE ESSENTIAL STEPS that must be in place for your body to begin healing at the cellular level.
  • How to unlock the cleansing power hidden within your lymphatic system PLUS learn two of my favorite do-it-yourself lymphatic resets.
  • How to break out of the chronic "fight or flight" cycle so your body can begin to relax and recover. 
  • How to maximize oxygen delivery to your cells in order to reduce stress, increase energy, and accelerate your body's healing process. 
  • Quick postural and foam rolling strategies to improve the flow of lymph, reduce muscle tension, and promote relaxation. 
  • Lifetime access to all training and resources.

Frequently Asked Questions: